
By using the portal “Indian In Atlanta” you consent to following Terms of Use and Privacy Policy…

Any information collected by “Indian in Atlanta” portal owned by S&S Digital Media USA LLC and/or any other connected social/business website like Facebook, Instagram etc. may be stored and used for digital advertising purpose. The information collected may be such as your name, username, residence, e-mail address, birthdate and/or pictures. We don’t share any of your information with third parties but you agree that collected information by these third parties is governed by their privacy policies.

S&S Digital Media USA LLC or “Indian in Atlanta” portal do not guarantee security of information collected as no system is fully secured but our efforts will be to make it secured and confidential.

“Indian In Atlanta” portal may ask you for credit card/bank information due to third party integration like Paypal for payment purpose but no financial information will be stored by S&S Digital Media USA LLC or “Indian In Atlanta”. Please read terms of use and privacy policy of such third parties’ system who process payment.
